Location : Bloodsucker Wash – Freeman Road (NOBO Mile Marker 223.5 )
Date: 12-07-2019
Weather: Partial clouds skies, starting temperature 59 degrees, Cool to Warm throughout the day
Total Mileage Completed : 19.9 miles on AZT
Hike Description:
This hike was a nice little hike with a little elevation up and down of 3,016. Kind of a rolling hill hike and apart from the difficulty getting to the trail intercept, it was actually a very enjoyable hike. Driving out south of Florance Arizona and back on Freeman road, this time you veer south on Willow Spring Road. You might want to map this one since it’s a bit of a hard drive to get out to Bloodsucker wash and a 4×4 is pretty much required. Scratched up the Jeep quite a bit driving down the wash. Becareful of flash floods if there are storms coming.
Anyhow the hike itself was, as noted, pretty enjoyable. We had to flip flop a little to connect Hike #15 from Tiger Mine TH and Hike #49 from Freeman Road TH. Don’t try this in the summer for hot months. Funny thing is we ran into a whole group of trailrunners that a bus dropped off at Bloodsucker wash. They were running to Tiger Mine and I really have no idea how that Bus got out in the middle of the desert. Good for them…. was an interesting site to see, a stream of trail runners just jogging out in the middle of nowhere.
One more hike down. Love the AZT. 🙂

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