Location : Two Bar Ridge up Forest Road 83 (NOBO Mile Marker 339.2)
Date: 12-05-2019
Weather: Slightly cloudy skies, starting temperature 58 degrees, Cool throughout the day
Total Mileage Completed : 22.1 miles on AZT
Hike Description:
This hike was simply gorgeous and to be honest, not too hard to get to from Highway 188 just south of Roosevelt Lake. Forrest Road 83 is a doable dirt road that runs up a wash and only becomes challenging in the last mile or so toward the intercept of the AZT. If anything drive as far as you can and hike the approach. It’s really not too far.
The hike itself I have labeled as extreme as the distance of our day was 22 miles and the up and down elevation gain / loss was 5837, one of the highest on our schedule. The day was cool and the ground was still wet from a storm that rolled through the are the night before. The views thought from this section are well worth the pain of the hike. I mean… look at these photos…. In retrospect I don’t recall the hike being too difficult considering the elevations. It was much more of a rolling grade or up than down than up. Toward the turn at mile 10 there was a massive up climb that had been affected by the summer brush fire. That sections was a wasteland and without any vegetation, the climb up and down in that section was pretty dangerous. Dig in with the trekking pulls and push….
All in all a great day and this hike I would do again. Great views!!!!

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