Location : North Rim / Kaibab Plateau – Park Entrance (NOBO Mile Marker 713.1 )
Date: 6-20-2019
Weather: Light to moderate clouds, starting temperature 75 degrees and the turn about 84 degrees.
Total Mileage Completed : 16.3 on AZT
Hike Description: Boy…. we got so lucky. Lucky to find an awesome packing spot at the North Rim trailhead. After a little waiting in line, we got thru the Park Entrance with our annual national park pass and raced to the trailhead with great speed. This was where we left off a year ago on the Rim to Rim to Rim hike, although this time we would be hiking north bound away from the Canyon. As luck would have it we pulled into a “over-packed” parking lot at just as a guy in the front row way pulling out. Bam !!!! A great start to a good hike.
This hike was another short 16 miler in the Kaibab Plateau set of day hikes that Tom and I launched upon in the summer of 2019. Like I mentioned before, we hiked out of the North Rim trailhead and headed back north toward the Park Entrance on the AZT. The section was a little bit of an up and down hike gaining 1700 feet and then a good consistent downhill back to the car. Not much new here, trees, trees and more trees.
Nice to be out of the Phoenix heat and hiking on the North Rim. Enjoy the photos.

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